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Using and Improving LANDFIRE BpS Models and Descriptions
Welcome to the dynamic world of vegetation systems modeling. This website is intended to help current and potential Biophysical Settings (BpS) model users locate, understand, and manipulate BpS of interest and to connect them with resources that support the appropriate application and modification of BpS models and descriptions.
This website was designed for a user with some knowledge about LANDFIRE BpS Models and Descriptions. If you are a new user and would like some background on these methods, check out the following resource.
- How were LANDFIRE BpS models and descriptions developed? How are they used? Learn more.
Start Here

About BpS
Refresh your knowledge about BpS models and descriptions and learn how they are integrated with other LANDFIRE Program products.

BpS Products
Take a look behind the scenes and find out what is included in the BpS model product suite.

Work with BpS
Get an overview of the LANDFIRE BpS models ST-Sim, and the LANDFIRE vegetation models package. Explore how these products have been used to make management decisions and support conservation planning.

Locate BpS
Looking for a specific BpS model and description or multiple BpS that meet certain criteria? Search the LANDFIRE model library to locate the right BpS model and description for your project.
We expect most users will have some knowledge about LANDFIRE BpS Models and Descriptions. If you are a new user and would like additional background on these methods, check out the following resources on our LANDFIRE companion vegetation modeling website.
- What is a state-and-transition model?
- What is a LANDFIRE BpS model & how were they developed?
- Why should I incorporate a state-and-transition-model in my work?
Welcome to the world of modeling the dynamics of vegetation systems.
Reach out to TNC's LANDFIRE Team with questions